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Kelu - N. Sasidharan and E. P. Rajagopalan

Kelu -  N. Sasidharan and E. P. Rajagopalan  History sometimes steps out from the frames. ‘Kelu’ is a best example for this. It is one of the few plays in Malayalam that pictures the life of a historical figure. The play is about Vidwan. P. Kelu Nair (1901—1929) who was a nationalist leader. Besides that, he was also a popular dramatist in Malabar. The play tries to capture the fire and fury of the historical times in which Kelu Nair lived. When the play opens, we see a group of people congregating to organise some programmes. Then we understand that it is the executive Committe of Vidwan. P. Kelu Nair Memorial Trust. They plan to arrange a play on the occasion of India’s 50th anniversary of independence. The meeting is presided over by K. Madhavan. It is he who comes up with the idea of the play. AT this time a member suggests that they could make a new production of Kelu Nair’s play ‘Padukapattabhishekam’. At this time, K. Madhavan suggests that it is not Kelu Na...


 COURAGEOUS ACT—Anasuya Menon   Courageous Act is a feature on Nilambur Ayisha, an actress in Malayalam cinema. In the 1960s and 70s, she has acted in more than 50 films in supporting roles. She began her career as a theatre artiste and later joined the film world. The article is a description of her life and career experiences as narrated by the actress. Ayisha was born into a Muslim family in Nilambur. She faced a lot of hurdles and hostility when she chose her career. She made her debut on stage in 1953 at the age of 16. She acted in a play ‘ Ijju Nalloru Manushan Aavaan Nokku’ by playwright E.K. Ayamu. It was a play aimed at social change targeting the Muslim community. During a preliminary discussion on the play, a man from the crowd shouted at Ayamu advising him to become a good man first. This became the title of the play which was enacted on 2500 stages in Kerala, Mumbai and Pune. At that time, female roles were played by men. However, E.M.S. Nambudripa...


Finding a space for women in the socio-cultural milieu is not a country specific problem. It transcends across nations. The news surprises us that in total numbers the U.S. has more cases of rape and sexual assault than India does, including aggressive sexual assaults in university campuses, though after the Delhi Nirbhaya case, India is singled out on this issue. It is paradoxical that the only country which produced woman President, Prime Minister, Chief Ministers, Lok Sabha Speaker, Leader of Opposition, female executives in the national financial institutions, treats its daughters with the least dignity and honour. India ranks among the countries with the highest levels of infanticide, with millions of “missing girls”. India has complex cultural attitudes to its women. For the large majority of women in India, life is both tough and uncertain. On one side media require women to tantalize men towards it. On another side, women’s success stories are not given enough coverage. I...

Abdulkalam Vision India Movement Launched

Abdulkalam Vision India Movement Launched Vision:  A national movement for realizing the vision of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Objectives:  To carry forward the vision and missions of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam and to work with the students, youth, people and governments at the ground level, we have launched the movement called  "Abdulkalam Vision India Movement - A national movement for realizing the vision of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam". The focus of this movement is to full fill the following objectives:  a. Evolution of enlightened Citizens Mission:  Igniting the minds of the students, youth, teachers and other professions through the 10 point oath given below by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. The aim of the mission is to create creative leadership qualities among the students, youth and experienced to become enlightened citizens and to work for sustainable development. 10 point Oath for the Students and Youth by Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam 1. I realize that small aim is a crime. I will ...

‘Any Woman’ by Katherine Tynan

Katherine Tynan is an Irish born writer who enriched English literature with her novels and poetry. A short poem of six stanzas ‘Any Woman’ by Katherine Tynan is a beautiful portrayal of woman in her multifaceted role. The poem celebrates the glory of womanhood – the spirit behind the existence and sustenance of life on earth. The speaker identifies herself with ‘the pillars of the house’, ‘keystone of the arch’, ‘fire upon the hearth’, ‘light of the sun’, ‘heat that warms the earth’, ‘light of love’, ‘twist of the sacred ring’, ‘knot of love’, ‘house from floor to roof’, ‘wall against all danger’ and ‘door against the wind and snow’. The speaker asserts that if she is taken away the whole edifice will be ruined ruining her life too. This bold assertion becomes a confession too – a revelation about the space where a woman enjoys her existence. She is confident that it is her warmth which perpetuates life on earth. The point here is that she is the source of warmth for the entire ea...

‘Going out for a Walk’ by Max Beerbohm rather

The essay entitled ‘Going out for a Walk’ by Max Beerbohm rather contradicts the popular statement, ‘ a sound mind in a sound body’ through this essay. The writer looks at the walking as a ‘physical exercise’ with a different perspective. The essay begins with the statement he had never been on a walking trip – enjoying the scenic beauty of nature. As such with the intention of physical fitness. He actually had a notion if one was walking along with a talkative companion, the activity will be more appealing. The essayist shares the experience with such a companion which ultimately turned out to be an utter failure. His attempts go to the extent that a man’s activity is sometimes hampered by forceful physical exertions. Humorously, he poses a question why we should go for a walk.  He is against the common idea of “walking for walking sake.” According to him, if one person walks with the intention of physical fitness alone, his purpose will definitely fail him. This activity be...


THE WRECK OF THE TITANIC – BENJAMIN PECK KEITH – Note As the title suggests this is a poem about one of the greatest tragedies of sea – the wreck of the titanic on 14th April, 1912. It collided with an iceberg and sank into the depths of the Atlantic ocean. However, this tragedy exposed some of the greatest act of courage and heroism of a couple of people, to be particular Captain Smith and the crew. Captain Smith, the commander of the ship, not even for one moment thought of saving his life. He stood on the bridge and told his crew that they were British and they should rember their country and should do their duties. Captain Smith and his crew remained in the ship while it was sinking to the depths of the Atlantic. According to the poet there is no scene like ‘so awfully grand’. The major theme discussed here is that of courage, fate, shicpwreck. Emotion of patriotism, valour are evoked while reading the poem. Language of the poem is simple, direct and has a musical quality ...