Kelu - N. Sasidharan and E. P. Rajagopalan
Kelu - N. Sasidharan and E. P. Rajagopalan History sometimes steps out from the frames. ‘Kelu’ is a best example for this. It is one of the few plays in Malayalam that pictures the life of a historical figure. The play is about Vidwan. P. Kelu Nair (1901—1929) who was a nationalist leader. Besides that, he was also a popular dramatist in Malabar. The play tries to capture the fire and fury of the historical times in which Kelu Nair lived. When the play opens, we see a group of people congregating to organise some programmes. Then we understand that it is the executive Committe of Vidwan. P. Kelu Nair Memorial Trust. They plan to arrange a play on the occasion of India’s 50th anniversary of independence. The meeting is presided over by K. Madhavan. It is he who comes up with the idea of the play. AT this time a member suggests that they could make a new production of Kelu Nair’s play ‘Padukapattabhishekam’. At this time, K. Madhavan suggests that it is not Kelu Na...