Abdulkalam Vision India Movement Launched

Abdulkalam Vision India Movement Launched
Vision: A national movement for realizing the vision of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

To carry forward the vision and missions of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam and to work with the students, youth, people and governments at the ground level, we have launched the movement called "Abdulkalam Vision India Movement- A national movement for realizing the vision of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam".
The focus of this movement is to full fill the following objectives: 

a. Evolution of enlightened Citizens Mission: Igniting the minds of the students, youth, teachers and other professions through the 10 point oath given below by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. The aim of the mission is to create creative leadership qualities among the students, youth and experienced to become enlightened citizens and to work for sustainable development.
10 point Oath for the Students and Youth by Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam
1. I realize that small aim is a crime. I will have a great goal in my life and work hard to achieve that goal. I will acquire the knowledge continuously. I will Sweat, Sweat, Sweat. I will persevere to achieve the goal.

2. I will work with integrity and succeed with integrity.

3. I will be a good member of my family, a good member of the society, a good member of my state, good member of the nation and a good member of the world.

4. I will always try to save or better someone's life, without any discrimination of caste, creed, language religion or state. Wherever I am, a thought will always come to my mind. That is "What can I do for you"

5. I will never get addicted to liquor, smoking and gambling. I will always try to retrieve at least 5 people from addiction and help them to lead a quality of life.

6. I will always remember the importance of time. My motto will be "Let not my winged days, be spent in vain".

7. I will plant at least 5 trees in my neighborhood and grow. I will always work for making my village clean, city clean and state clean so that my earth will be clean and green.

8. As a youth of my nation, I will work and work with courage to achieve success in all my tasks and enjoy the success of others.

9. I am as young as my faith and as old as my doubt. Hence, I will light up then, the lamp of faith in my heart.

10. My National Flag flies in my heart and I will bring glory to my nation.

b. Developed India Mission: 

Empower and enrich the youth, experienced, people, and government towards realizing the goals of developed India by working on the Distinctive profile of Developed India by 2020 as given below. 

Distinctive Profile of Developed India by 2020

1. A Nation where the rural and urban divide has reduced to a thin line.

2. A Nation where there is an equitable distribution and adequate access to energy and quality water.

3. A Nation where agriculture, industry and service sector work together in symphony.

4. A Nation where education with value system is not denied to any meritorious candidates because of societal or economic discrimination.

5. A Nation, which is the best destination for the most talented scholars, scientists, and investors.

6. A Nation where the best of health care is available to all.

7. A Nation where the governance is responsive, transparent and corruption free.

8. A Nation where poverty has been totally eradicated, illiteracy removed and crimes against women and children are absent and none in the society feels alienated.

9. A Nation that is prosperous, healthy, secure, devoid of terrorism, peaceful and happy and continues with a sustainable growth path.

10. A Nation that is one of the best places to live in and is proud of its leadership.

Also this movement will continue to work on the missions envisioned by Dr Kalam such as: 

  • Evolving sustainable development policies for inclusive growth in State and Central Government,
  • Interlinking of Rivers and infrastructure development Missions,
  • Smart Waterways Grid Mission,
  • Second Green Revolution missions,
  • PURA Mission,
  • Energy Independence Mission by 2030,
  • Transparent and accelerated governance with inclusive policies in a democratic environment,
  • Affordable quality education and healthcare missions and
  • Space based solar power mission.

Announcements will be made in www.abdulkalam.com in this regard, once the formalities are complete.

The movement will do the following:

a. Reach out to school students to ignite their minds and inspire them to become an enlightened citizens based on the principles and thoughts of Dr Kalam.

b. Create forums in villages, towns, cities in the states to promote the missions propagated in his 10 point oath to the youth [Enclosure-A] and such as tree plantations, desilting the ponds, village tanks; clean and green missions, provide safe drinking water mission, also prepare the youth to desist from corruption, liquor, gambling etc and other missions envisioned by Dr Kalam. 

c. Reach out to the youth in colleges, Universities, Institutions, farmers, industry, trade, commerce and service sector, state and central governments to work for the missions enshrined in the Enclosure-B to realize the "Vision of Developed India." 


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